Monday, July 8, 2013

Boredom, Disappointment & More Boredom

As you can probably gather from the title of this post, I am not particularly impressed with this diet after the completion of week 1. In fact, I have already considered, many times, on ending this whole thing and strictly cutting calories as other diets suggest doing. It's worked in the past.

Let me tell you why I am bored and disappointed and why I think that this diet may really been one of many "fad diets" that my sister warned me about. I was sooo hoping it wasn't.

1. I am not the type of person who does well with boredom. I need to do something or go somewhere or have a plan. Boredom just is not my thing. I am BORED TO TEARS with these foods and the menus. Barely anything has flavor. I find myself overdosing on cracked black pepper in order to taste SOMETHING. This whole week I was reminded of a funny YouTube video that my friends and I always laugh about. It is called Love Letters. If you have an off beat sense of humor, check it out. Anyway, in a nutshell it is about a man writing love letters to different food items while he is on a diet. At one point, he says that a certain food tastes like despair. He hit the nail on the head. This food, tastes like despair. This diet is depressing.

2. After following the diet and doing the exercises and sweating my buns off in 90 degree weather with 900% humidity (I'm not kidding, it was really hot!) I lost 2.6 pounds. 2.6 POUNDS! According to this diet, the reviews I have read and the other bloggers on this subject, my weight loss should be more than this. Bring on the disappointment. I was talking to my husband about my disappointment and he said that I couldn't expect to lose a bunch of weight after only one week. Well, how are you supposed to drop 15-20 lbs in 3 weeks if in week one you drop practically nothing.

3. I am not enjoying myself. And sure, it is a diet, I shouldn't expect to enjoy myself, right? Wrong! I was talking to my Dad about that dreaded funnel cake picture and he said to me "Stephanie, a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. You just have to be prepared to burn that calorie off if you want to lose weight." Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day. Yes, twelve thousand - that is not a typo. He eats omelets, french toast, pancakes, ham and cheese sandwiches and a ton of pasta. Granted, he needs that amount to fuel what he does but like a wise man once said - a calorie is a calorie. Why not enjoy it? And I am not saying pig out on 1,000 calories of potato chips and then run them off but have some flavor! Spice it up with some Sriracha or Frank's Red Hot.  More boredom with this whole diet. I can only eat so many salads!

4. I miss my family. This sounds crazy, right? How can I miss my family because of a diet. My husband and I eat at different times now because I am making my own meals and he is making his own meals. We don't have that time to sit down over dinner and catch up about our days. I work a 9-5 job as most people do but I am missing out on time with my son. In the morning I usually bring him into our bedroom to have a bottle and cuddle while I watch the news but with this diet, I don't have time to do that in the morning. I am going on my walk and then making breakfast and doing all of this running around. Does it sound lazy? I am honest enough to say that yes, it does sound lazy - lay in bed with my kid in the morning, who wouldn't want to do that. But, being honest again - I have about 2.5 hours in the evening to use to my advantage because he is sleeping. Why not bust my butt with exercise then?

What do I do now? I am miserable on this diet, if you haven't already gathered that. I am not impressed by the results so far and I am definitely not enjoying the foods. Do I continue or do I change my blog to a general weight loss diary? I am at a definite crossroad right now and need to make a choice....